22 Lessons Learned in 2022



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December 27, 2022

As the years go by, I understand more and more the importance of learning. The more experiences and different interactions I have, the more I can adjust what I do to become a better person, leader, and motivator. 

Today I want to focus on 22 lessons learned in 2022. These lessons may be simple, but they’re powerful. They might seem obvious,  but sometimes a gentle reminder is needed. 

If you don’t take the necessary time to reflect on your year, it will be tough to improve in 2023 and beyond. 

Not only is understanding these lessons important to your own life, but knowing what lessons you’ve learned in your own life is equally if not more important. 

So, don’t be afraid to set aside 10 or 15 minutes and conduct your own review. Included in this post is a free Yearly Review Worksheet pdf. 

I created a one-page document that you can print and conduct a review of your own. We all know how many people set new goals and targets come January, but a yearly review is what you need to complete first. 

Let’s get right into my 22 lessons learned:

# 1 - Time waits for no one.

It’s important to remember that tomorrow isn’t promised. It seems like second nature to plan something in the future whether it’s a trip or whatever else. The truth is no one knows what tomorrow will bring, and if tomorrow will ever come. Always respect today and know that one day it will all end. 

# 2 - Family is always important.

The older I get the more it seems like family seems to drift apart. Everyone is busy and everyone has their own lives to focus on. I get it. I know what the work grind is, and I know what it feels like to be working or on the go non-stop. But, that still isn’t an acceptable excuse as to why you aren’t making time to talk to, visit, or be around family. 

# 3 - Don’t put aside your health until tomorrow. 

Covid has been a difficult time for me in terms of staying on top of my fitness routine. I’m sure it’s affected everyone in a different way, but it put a real dent in my training. Over the past few months, I’ve returned to my solid routine and I feel more energized and focused than ever. Fitness and health is critical to your well-being and longevity, don’t put them aside until a later date.

# 4 - One day matters more than one year. 

Most people are so concerned about the future. Tomorrow, next week, and next year. If you can focus today on getting the most important tasks done, you will gain huge results in a year's time. 

# 5 - There is good in the world. 

It seems like there is so much negativity, fake news, and harm being pushed out more than ever in the world. I’m here to remind you to focus on the good and not the bad. 

# 6 - Keep your close friends closer. 

If you have one, two, or even a handful of close friends. One’s that you can count on in your life through the ups and downs, keep them close. Never forget who is loyal and respectful of you. 

# 7 - Always invest in yourself.

It’s not the new car, jacket, or clothes that are going to change your life. It’s the investments in yourself. Never second guess schooling, books, health, or any other investments into you. 

# 8 - Things take time, be patient.

It took me about 8 years in my previous aviation career to make it. This was where I was making great money, could control my schedule, and had a good amount of experience. I need to remind myself that good things take time. And being patient is part of the process.

# 9 - Stop worrying about everyone else. 

If you continue to focus on everyone other than yourself you’re diluting your progress. In fact, if you focus on everything and everyone else you are frankly wasting huge amounts of time and effort. Focus on yourself. 

#10 - No one actually cares.

Whether you want to launch a business, a YouTube channel, or write that book you’ve always been thinking about - do it. People are so concerned about what others will think of them and don’t want to be judged. Most people have no idea what you are doing, or even care about what you’re doing. Everyone is so busy worrying about their own stuff. 

# 11 - Quality over quantity.

I used to believe if I could read 52 books a year I would be unstoppable. The knowledge alone would change my life. What I didn’t realize is that one book studied and applied, is much more powerful than 10 books just skimmed. Always focus on the quality of what you do and not the quantity of it. 

# 12 - Experiences trump all.

I’m not a materialistic person at all. I think designer and name brands are a complete waste of money. Experiences are worth their weight in gold. Book the trip, go on the adventure and take the cruise. You’ll have these memories with you for the rest of your life. 

# 13 - Fail instead of being filled with regret. 

Regret is something you never want to live with. I would much rather fail by trying to do something new and different than never try at all. 

# 14 - Focus on the right habits to change your life.

Consistency day after day will add up to massive changes in your life. The habits you do are a key factor in these changes. Focus on the right habits and the rest will follow. 

# 15 - Stop delaying your own happiness.

I used to do it too. Once I get these or accomplish this, then I will be happy. Stop. You can be happy right now, and all happiness stems from a place of gratitude, so be thankful for what you have. 

# 16 - Start saying no. 

I’ve said no so much over the previous 5 years. No to bosses, no to friends, no to peers. No has allowed me to live life on my terms. No has allowed me to control my time and my life. Don’t be afraid to say no. 

# 17 - Live below your means.

It’s a simple equation, spend less than you earn. Debt hurts and will follow you around forever. Always know what you spend and what you earn. Money management needs to be learned and applied. 

# 18 - Eat for fuel and not to feel sick.

Overeating and eating processed foods is what’s causing diseases and sickness in a lot of people when they age. If you can focus on eating healthier foods that your body needs you’ll have more energy, get more done, and live longer. 

# 19 - Try things that scare you. 

When I want to do something new and get a weird feeling in my stomach, I know I need to follow it through. Do the things that scare you, this will shape your life. 

# 20 - Be grateful for your hardships. 

I hear people complaining about how hard their life has been. Why did this happen to me, and how it’s still hindering them to this day. Stop focusing on how hard life has been, and focus on how you’re grateful for these life lessons.


# 21 - Never take advice from someone who hasn’t done it. 

People love giving advice. Whether it’s a friend, family member, work colleague, or anyone else. People think they are experts at everything. Don’t listen to or take advice from anyone unless you know they’ve accomplished what you’re trying to do already. 

# 22 - Sometimes listening is all you need to do. 

Speaking seems to be the coveted skill for communication. I beg to differ. I believe listening is more important. If you can learn to listen to people intently you will be taken more seriously, and seen as a true professional. 


Lessons are all around us. From the person who holds open the door for you to the guy screaming at the grocery clerk. 

If you can learn from your own life experiences and the experiences of others, you will get far. Be open to being a student of life. Learn as much as you can and apply the tactics and techniques that you believe in. 

Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Do good work consistently, work on yourself daily, and help others along the way. 

Here is the free Yearly Review Worksheet. Download it, print it, and fill it out. 

Thanks for being a reader and supporter. 52 blogs down this year.

Here’s to a healthy, prosperous, and abundant 2023 and beyond.

Chris M Wilson

Chris Wilson is a keynote speaker, CTI coach, and entrepreneur. Through his Hover to Fly framework, he aims to impact the next generation in their careers and lives

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