10 Great Online Business Ideas to Explore in 2023



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August 29, 2023

In today's digital age, starting an online business has become more accessible and lucrative. 

Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or seeking additional income streams, the online world offers many opportunities to turn your ideas into profitable ventures. 

Here are 10 exciting online business ideas to consider in 2023:

1. E-commerce Store

Setting up an e-commerce store remains a classic online business idea. With platforms like Shopify, 

With WooCommerce and BigCommerce, you can sell a wide range of products, from physical goods to digital downloads, catering to a global audience.

2. Dropshipping

Dropshipping eliminates the need for inventory management. 

You act as a middleman between customers and suppliers, ensuring a seamless ordering process while focusing on marketing and customer service.

3. Print on Demand

Create custom designs for apparel, accessories, home decor, and more. 

When a customer orders, the item is printed with the design and shipped directly to them. This model allows for a high degree of creativity.

4. Online Courses or Ebooks

Share your expertise by creating and selling online courses or ebooks. 

Platforms like Teachable, Udemy, and Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing make it simple to reach a broad audience seeking to learn new skills or gain knowledge.

I currently use Kindle from Amazon for my two books - Optimal Health and Optimal Wealth. 

5. Freelancing Services

If you possess skills such as writing, graphic design, web development, or digital marketing, offer your services as a freelancer. 

Websites like Upwork and Fiverr can connect you with clients seeking specific talents.

Freelancing is a great place to start when you want to test out your skills or also start a side hustle on the side of your full-time job. 

6. Affiliate Marketing

Promote products or services from other companies through affiliate marketing programs. Earn commissions for every sale made through your referral links. 

Niche blogs or content-rich websites often excel in this area. While I do like the idea of affiliate marketing, many places online say how easy it is to get started in this area. 

While it may sound true, you do usually require a fairly large audience to generate any revenue from it. 

7. Subscription Boxes

Curate and deliver subscription boxes filled with niche products that cater to specific interests. 

Subscription-based models offer recurring revenue and the potential for long-term customer relationships.

8. Digital Products

Create and sell digital products such as templates, stock photos, presets, etc. 

These products can be downloaded instantly, making them a convenient choice for buyers. I like the idea of digital products in an online business because you can sell information. 

With selling information, you can deliver excellent value to your customers while keeping margins and profits high. 

9. Consulting or Coaching

If you're an expert in a particular field, offer your knowledge through consulting or coaching services. 

This could range from business consulting to life coaching, conducted through online sessions. This is my main space currently and where I’ve leveraged many previous skills. 

Coaching is currently a trendy “place to be in. But that doesn’t mean everyone is qualified or should be a coach. 

10. Niche Blogs or Vlogs

Start a blog or video channel about a topic you're passionate about. 

Through quality content and engagement, you can monetize through ads, sponsored content, affiliate marketing, and even fan support platforms.

This route takes time and consistency before you can monetize it. Also, be aware of the drawbacks to monetizing specific platforms such as a blog. 

Sometimes, it’s nice not to be bombarded with ads and random content, even if it’s your free content. Something to keep in mind depending on what your future goals are.


Remember that the success of your online business hinges on factors like market research, a solid business plan, dedication, and continuous adaptation to the evolving digital landscape. 

Select an idea that aligns with your skills and interests, and be prepared to put in the effort required to make it a thriving venture. 

With persistence, creativity, and strategic planning, your online business could be the next big success story of 2023.

If you’re interested in learning more about starting your next online business or want to make a bold career move, you can book a free 30-minute Strategy Session with me here.

Chris M Wilson

Chris M Wilson is a career coach, entrepreneur, blogger, author, creator, and doer. He is passionate about helping people leave the job they hate and jump into their dream careers!

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