Finding Your Why - The Ultimate Goal



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January 31, 2023

I’m sure you’ve been asked or heard this question before - what is you why? A big question, no doubt, and one to which most people don’t have the answer. Do you know your why? This is the ultimate goal you should aim to find in 2023.

Finding your why isn’t as simple as finding a quick answer. Your why is bigger than you and bigger than what you do. 

Your why is the foundation of the choices you make, the values you have, and what you do daily. 

It is your compass, vision, and journey all at once. 

Finding my why has taken years of trial and error. Years of self-discovery and years of new experiences. 

Knowing Your Why

You need to know a few things before answering this big question. 

Such as what your values are. 

A value is a person’s principle or standard of behaviour. There are key values that each individual believes in. 

These values are likely from your upbringing and how your parents or others raised you. 

Different events may have happened to you, whether good or bad.

Or something you truly believe in for yourself. 

Values are key to guiding your choices, which later leads to your why. 

So what are your values? Do you know? Have you ever written them down before? 

Your Values

I challenge you to take 5 minutes right now, take out a pen and a piece of paper and write down your top 5 values before moving forward.

Here are some examples of values to get you going:















And more!

You don’t need to choose directly from this list. There are many, many more values that you can have. But this should be enough to get you thinking about them and creating your top 5. 

Choices You Make

Once your values are clear, visible, and tangible. You will know not only what you represent but who you want to be. 

Let’s say you’re someone who values family. When asked by your parents or siblings to go over for a Sunday night dinner, what would be your answer?

Well, if you truly value family, it would be yes!

But, if you make up excuses as to why you have so much going on and can never make time for your family, you may need to reassess your priorities. 

When you have your values laid out, you have a better understanding of what choices need to be made. 

If you value money, you know that you have to act like someone smart with their money. This could lead to reading the top 5 money books of all time, creating a budget, and creating a savings plan. 

Your values are directly related to the yeses and nos of your life. Is it a value? Yes. Is it something else? Then no. 

Often you may be pulled in a ton of different directions. This could be from friends, family, work, and other obligations. Saying yes to everything is simply not realistic. 

That’s why knowing your values and what you represent is critical. 

Sign up for my free 5-day goals email course here!

Your Daily Routine

Now that you’re clear on your values and the choices you will make (in alignment with your values), the next step is to assess your daily routine. 

What you do daily is directly related to your future weeks, months, and years. 

The actions you choose (or do not take), your habits, and the time you spend is important. 

And it’s important to know what you’re doing and how you’re spending your time. 

Are you someone who values time? For me, time is a key value in my life. Once time is gone, you can never get it back. It’s finite. 

With that being said, I’m someone who enjoys managing my time. I prefer not to waste it on random things and be more purposeful in my approach with time. 

Doing things and tasks that are important to me and my life. 

My challenge to you:

-Track your next 3 days

-What do you do?

-How much do you sleep?

-What is important?

-What isn’t important?

When you take some time to track these 3 days, you’ll be able to see what you’re doing and what you’re not doing. 

This can show massive time wasters like watching TV for several hours a day, or positive habits like going to the gym an hour a day. 

Before knowing your why, it’s helpful to take these incremental steps first. 

Your values will directly affect your choices, which will directly affect your daily routine, which is a part of the bigger picture - your why. 

Changing Whys

Your why will change over time. Just because you want to be the next big YouTube sensation now doesn’t mean you’ll want to follow the same path in 1 year, 3 years, or longer. 

Times change, people change, and circumstances will most definitely change. All lead to the next thing, the next job/career, and the next missed or capitalized opportunity. 

Don’t get discouraged or down because your why changes. This is normal and is part of life. 

My why early on was to fly helicopters. To have a badass career that was different and I could be proud of. That was earlier on in my life; once I gained experienced and was doing it, I wanted to change, and I wanted to do something different. 

So, I had a new why and a new vision of life. 


Don’t be discouraged if you have no idea what your why is. Most people don’t. 

And this is a journey of self-discovery. Many things you do and experiences you have will shape your life and your why. 

But there is a way you can get started right now, and that’s by following the simple steps in this post. 

In case you need them again:

-Figure out your top 5 values

-The choices you make should directly relate to these values

-Your daily routine should be aligned with your values and your choices

-Know that your why will morph and transform over time

-Be patient

Finding your why is inspiring, motivating, and exciting. Yet, many people who find their why are afraid to leap into it. 

This is where courage, determination, and risk are involved. Finding your why may only be half the battle. Moving toward it could be the real challenge.

Want help finding your why and moving toward it? 

Enroll in my free 5-day goal-setting email course. Discover more about yourself and what you want to achieve. 

Chris M Wilson

Chris Wilson is a keynote speaker, CTI coach, and entrepreneur. Through his Hover to Fly framework, he aims to impact the next generation in their careers and lives

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