The End is Near - Goodbye 2022



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December 13, 2022

Another year has just flown by! I don’t know about you but it sure feels like the last several months have gone by in a blink of an eye. Time waits for no one. With the end near I wanted to dedicate this post to good year-end practices in your life. 

While many people focus on New Year resolutions from time to time, it’s crucial to ensure you’re taking the right actions before any new year. 

Remember, tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. Things can change instantly for any of us. 

Today I’m going to talk about the most important tools/actions you should take at the end of any year. 

Time to Reflect 

I don’t know what it is about reflection but it just works. Not only are planning and goal-setting important to productivity and growth but so is reflection. 

Reflection can be done in several different ways. The main point is you need to write it down somewhere. 

This could be a journal, notebook, planner, or even on your laptop or phone. 

Reflection is key to knowing what you did well this year, where you could improve, what you’re grateful for, and any challenges that arose. 

I like opening up a black Google Doc and doing a massive brain dump of information focusing on all of these areas.

-What I did well this year

-Where I could improve

-What I am grateful for this year

-What challenges arose

You can of course focus on more areas, but I like to keep it simple and straightforward. 

You don’t need to set aside an entire weekend or even a day for this practice. I suggest putting aside 10-15 minutes to get everything and anything down. 

Don’t stop writing, just keep going and going until your mind is clear. If you miss anything don’t worry, you can always go back and add it in at a later date. 

I like to flip back through my planners from the year and my Google Calendar on my phone for key events, trips, or BIG things that happened. 

This helps me to not miss too much that has happened from my memory. 

What do You Want to Change?

While reflection is essential to know what you did, knowing where to improve and what to change is the very next step. 

The Japanese have a saying - Kaizen which means continuous improvement. 

No matter who you are, what you do, and where you are in your life there is ALWAYS room for improvement, always. 

When I used to compete in Men’s Physique shows I was in the absolute best shape and most aesthetic of my entire life. 

But, even though I was pushing my limits every day, I could always get better. 

I could always improve that 1% to make myself not only look better but feel better.

Ensure your mindset is coming from a place of always looking to improve in one way or another.

Now, this could be by improving your knowledge and skills. You could take courses, seminars, training, or even learn from various mentors who have done it before you. 

After you’ve reflected on your year, you’ll have a very clear picture of exactly what you did, what you didn’t do, and where you want to improve for 2023. 

This is the exact time when you want to figure out 3 different things you want to change. 

3 is the magic number why? Because if you try and do too much - you won’t change anything.

Focusing on only 3 allows you to make the necessary changes and get it done. 

These could be adjusting a couple of your daily habits, waking up earlier, or incorporating a weekly fitness routine. 

While these aren’t goals but rather ways you want to improve with small actions that will get you there. 

What do you Want to do?

Now is the time to set your BIGGEST goals and targets for the upcoming 2023 year. 

You’ve reflected on what you did, you’ve brainstormed on what you want to change, and now it’s time to focus on your goals.

Every successful person on the planet has goals. 

Goals and dreams are different because a goal is written down and you believe with all of your soul that you will achieve it. 

A dream is like a fairytale or a wish, like wanting to win the lottery. 

It’s probably never going to happen, and you aren’t making any sacrifices or life changes to accomplish it. 

Every person, young or old needs goals. And they must write them down. 

This is nothing new, and I’ve written about it before many many times. 

That’s why I left it till last on this post. While goals are essential, the two steps I’ve mentioned are 100% necessary before writing your goals. 

While I could go on and on about the best goals to write and the way to do it, I’ll keep it simple today. You can sign up for my free goal-setting course here to get much more depth. 

Your goals should stretch your limits and be tangible. Meaning they have a very specific outcome. 

Don’t - I want to lose weight.

Do - I want to lose 5 lbs in the next 8 weeks by this date. 

Always have a strict deadline, and always include numbers and tangible outcomes. 

Read them, believe them, and adjust them when necessary. 


Another year is ending, making it the perfect time to reflect, change, and set new targets. 

Improving your life will take time, effort, and energy. But, I can guarantee you it will be worth it in the end. 

The things that require hard work, dedication, and sacrifice always pay off with huge dividends. 

Don’t wait until tomorrow to get these 3 items checked off. Start today, right now. Set aside 15-30 minutes. 

1. Reflect on one full page of your 2022 year

2. Write down 3 changes you want to make in 2023

3. Focus on new and exciting tangible goals

Doing it is what matters. Don’t procrastinate or wait on this, these 3 steps are essential to your personal and professional growth in the years to come. 

If you want a full FREE crash course on goals I have you covered. Sign up for The Ultimate 5 Day Goal Setting course today!

Chris M Wilson 

Chris Wilson is a keynote speaker, CTI coach, and entrepreneur. Through his Hover to Fly framework, he aims to impact the next generation in their careers and lives

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